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Mailit 8 released - HTML email composing and HTML email templates for real
We are very excited about our new version of Mailit as we cracked HTML email composing and HTML email templates for real. Mailit 8 supports FileMaker® 15-19.

Mailit is the most advanced email plug-in for your FileMaker® custom apps. Mailit supports POP3, SMTP and IMAP including OAuth 2.0, the new standard for Gmail. Mailit 8 supports background and server-side processing. Compose HTML emails including images and layout tools using full-fledged editors that integrate into your layouts. Mailit 8 adds 130 email functions to FileMaker® 

With Mailit 8 you can now compose emails from within FileMaker® the WYSIWYG way with the all-new Mailit 8 HTML editors. And more: Design professional multi-column email layouts in FileMaker®. The included samples let you integrate all Mailit features in your FileMaker® apps with ease.

Mailit 8 comes with OAuth 2.0 built-in. OAuth 2.0 has been announced to become the mandatory security standard for email apps connecting to Gmail and other accounts. Switching to OAuth 2.0 now is recommended. Our FileMaker® email apps based on Mailit 8 demo OAuth 2.0 integration. We also provide detailed documentation on how to set up OAuth 2.0 in your FileMaker® apps.

Mailit 8 now comes with sample apps for FileMaker® Server.

We have been developing Mailit for the past 20 years and we are always looking for opportunities to improve your experience with FileMaker® and email. We believe that with HTML editors and latest email security standards, Mailit 8 is a leap forward to make email with FileMaker® even better.

Discover all about Mailit 8 now at:

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