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Questions s The News area contains press releases and other announcements related to FileMaker Pro. The news items on this page come from the FMAnnounce mailing list. If you would like to have FileMaker Pro news emailed directly to you, visit the FMAnnounce mailing list web site. In order to send press releases to FMAnnounce, you must first subscribe to the service.

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  New Video! Learn to extract text from images using GetLiveTextAsJSON
  Available Now! Claris FileMaker Pro Advanced 2 Online Training from PCU
  MBS Plugin 14.3 for Claris FileMaker - More than 7400 Functions In One Plugin
  Using WebRTC with your WebViewer
  Database Pros Web Site Updated with 6 New Free FileMaker Videos

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Exclamation s The Script Reference and Complex Calculations contains hundreds of the most widely used calculation formulas and scripts for FileMaker Pro. Calculations and scripts were selected for their complexity and usefulness. Download the demo and take a test drive today!

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