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Questions s Database Pros offers project based FileMaker consulting or development but you can also purchase programming time from John Mark Osborne at an hourly rate. Please call for bulk rates.

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All consulting and development is performed by John Mark Osborne and not a junior programmer with 6 months experience. If you want attention to detail that only a seasoned developer can provide, feel free to purchase an hour of John Mark's time or call for more information at (909) 393-4664 PST or email [jmo@filemakerpros.com]. Bulk rates and project based consulting are also available.

John Mark Osborne is most experienced in the following areas of FileMaker:

ERDs (Entity-Relationship Diagrams)
Complex Calculations
Scripts and Script Triggers
Relational Design
Subsummary Reporting
Or, just about any area in FileMaker itself

John Mark Osborne has been working exclusively with FileMaker for over two decades. For more information about his accomplishments, visit the About section of the Database Pros web site.

Purchase the Consulting/Development (1 hour) for $250.00

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Exclamation s All of the FileMaker solutions at the databasepros web site come with the full access password and royalty free licensing!

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