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Donations allows non-profit organizations to track their donations by contact, organization, event and cause. Quickly print reports by contact, organization, event or date to help make sense of where your donations are coming from. Full Access password provided upon purchase or call to inquire about customization. Technical support is not included with purchase.
Donations is a complete solution for tracking donations for non-profit organizations. But, everyone has their own specific requirements so you get the full access password when you purchase Donations. If you aren't familiar with developing in FileMaker, contact [John Mark Osborne] to make modifications to the solution to better meet your needs. Take a look at what you get by clicking one of the images below.
Database Pros will also customize this solution to meet your needs so email jmo@filemakerpros.com for pricing!
Compatibility with FileMaker 7, 8, 8.5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20
Tables for Contacts, Organizations, Events and supporting tables like Phones, Addresses and Emails
Tracking of donations by contact, organization and event
Cross-referencing of donations by contact, organization and event
Correspondence via print, email or text message
Reporting of donations by contact, organization and event
Reminder To Dos
Organization by groups
Storage of pictures and documents
compatible with FileMaker Go 12/13/14!
Download a demo of the Donations now!
Purchase the Donations for $99.95
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All of the FileMaker solutions at the databasepros web site come with the full access password and royalty free