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The Message Tracker allows a small, medium or large company to take messages from phone calls and track responses. Includes areas for message taking, employees and client tracking with cross-referencing between all three areas. Fully unlocked upon purchase with no licensing. Technical support is not included with purchase.
The Message Taker for FileMaker Pro aids in the taking and distribution of messages. Not only do you have a place to list the callers contact information and message but you also can alert the employee about the message via email or text message. Since the messages are stored in a FileMaker database, you can also track the history of how and when a message was passed onto an employee and how the employee responded to the message. No more lost messages! Plus, you get the full access password so you can modify it to your own needs. Database Pros will also customize this solution to meet your needs so call for pricing!
Database Pros will also customize this solution to meet your needs so email jmo@filemakerpros.com for pricing!
Compatibility with FileMaker 7, 8, 8.5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20
Tracking of Messages
Message alert system
Automatic message history
Tracking of Employees and Clients
Preferences section so for customization
Download a demo of the Message Tracker now!
Purchase the Message Tracker for $99.95
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All of the FileMaker solutions at the databasepros web site come with the full access password and royalty free