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CNS Plug-ins 2024 Cyber Sale

Fort Worth, TX, November 27, 2024 -- Happy Thanksgiving! It is the time of year to be thankful and take advantage of great sales! The CNS Plug-ins annual Cyber Sale is running from today, November 27th, through Friday, December 6th. Take advantage of 25% off all plug-in orders (even renewals and upgrades)! CNS will also once again be offering free Server Licenses for all orders over 10 users for SMTPit Pro, POP3it Pro, FTPit Pro, CNS Barcode, CNS Image, and CNS Query; a value of up to $775! Browse all CNS Plug-ins at http://www.cnsplug-ins.com/

-= CNS Plug-ins Available for Sale =-

All of the following CNS Plug-ins will be 25% off. To receive 25% off, use the Coupon Code "Cyber Sale 2024" on the checkout page. If you purchase or renew a 10 or more User License of SMTPit Pro, POP3it Pro, FTPit Pro, CNS Barcode, CNS Image, or CNS Query, you qualify for the free Server License. The Server License will not automatically appear in your cart, however, we will manually add it to your account for you to retrieve at a later time.

CNS Barcode - Create barcode images from data in your database as well as use your webcam to scan barcode data right into FileMaker Pro. Available for macOS, Windows, and Linux. http://cnsbarcode.cnsplug-ins.com/

CNS Image - Crop, Rotate, Scale, and more with this easy to use image manipulation plug-in. Available for macOS, Windows, and Linux. http://cnsimage.cnsplug-ins.com/

CNS Menu - Create on-the-fly dynamic popup menus that call scripts when you select menu items. Available for macOS and Windows. http://cnsmenu.cnsplug-ins.com/

CNS Query - Add, Edit, and Delete records and more in your FileMaker databases without ever creating a relationship. Available for macOS, Windows, and Linux. http://www.cnsplug-ins.com/Plug-ins/CNS_Query

FTPit Pro - Transfer files to and from any FTP server all from the comfort of FileMaker Pro. Available for macOS, Windows, and Linux. http://ftpitpro.cnsplug-ins.com/

POP3it Pro - Receive email directly into your database, complete with email headers, content, and attachments. Available for macOS, Windows, and Linux. http://www.pop3itpro.com/

SMTPit Pro - Send Text and HTML emails with any number of attachments and inline images, all without leaving FileMaker Pro. Available for macOS, Windows, and Linux. http://www.smtpitpro.com/

-= Contact =-

Comm-Unity Networking Systems, LLC.
PO Box 132
Weatherford, Texas 76086

Email: info@cnsplug-ins.com
Web: http://www.cnsplug-ins.com/

Exclamation s If you have issue with the content of one of the news items posted here, feel free to voice your concerns to jmo@filemakerpros.com. Please limit feedback to improper content. Do not include your opinions about a product. Thanks for your understanding.