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August 11, 2024 - X2max Software is pleased to announce the release of xmCHART 5.0.11
New Features & Improvements:
- New chart type added: Chord diagrams.
- Improved algorithm for stroke dash patterns.
- SaveAsGIFFile(): Background is now transparent by default.
- SaveAsJPGFile(): Background is now transparent by default (macOS only).
- SaveAsTIFFile(): LZW compression added.
- xmCHART 5 ready for FileMaker 2024.
Bug Fixes:
- Radar charts now display logarithmic scales correctly.
- Fixed crash when rendering 3D pie charts.
- Fixed 3D Grid regression bug.
What xmCHART can do for you:
Customize your drawing using xmCHART's built-in scripting language. Enhance your charts by adding text and images. Add trend lines, moving averages and error bars to your charts. Create advanced charts by overlaying and combining diagrams. Arrange text, graphics, and charts in any order within a single drawing. Import and export high-resolution bitmap images in a variety of image formats. Create resolution-independent PDF and SVG images for publishing or the Web. Combine barcodes with text, images, and diagrams. Create high-quality PDF drawings in FileMaker Runtime solutions. Available for macOS, Windows, and Ubuntu Linux. Runs natively on Apple Silicon M1, M2 & M3 processors.
A fully functional demo version of xmCHART 5.0.11 is available for download at https://www.x2max.com/download/
This update is free for all xmCHART 5.0 license holders.
All other customers can upgrade to version 5.0.11 at a reduced price.
More information at https://www.x2max.com/purchase/#upgrade_license
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