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New FileMaker Certification Test Prep Course Available at Productive Computing University
San Diego, CA – April 4, 2019 - Productive Computing, Inc. a Platinum Member of the FileMaker Business Alliance, is proud to announce the completion of its FileMaker Certification Preparation course.

This course addresses the eight parts of the exam and is intended to help FileMaker developers study for and increase their chances of passing the FileMaker Certification Exam.

Kalos Consulting, the top recruiting company for FileMaker developers, says, “Being certified can make you a top contender for open positions. For top hiring FBA Platinum companies, certification is strongly preferred. For companies that do not require certification prior to being hired, there is the expectation to become certified after a few months. Sometimes a company may look at a certification as a trade-off to having a college degree.”

The FileMaker Certification Preparation course utilizes visual aids, engaging examples, and memory techniques to help the student retain and recall the information during the exam.

"Believe me, exam taker, without seeing this course you'll never get the hidden meaning of lots of functions. Studying functions by reading or even practicing on your own is boring! But with this way of teaching, you'll like it. Thanks, P.C. guys for your efforts." Sayed Bondok

This course extrapolates and expands on the information provided in the FileMaker Certification Study Guide to give the student a well-rounded understanding of what to focus on for the FileMaker exam.

"I took [this] course to prepare for my certification. Even [when the course] was not yet complete, I studied the modules available [and]… I passed the certification exam! I cannot thank Productive Computing enough. I look forward to the next version of FileMaker and the next course! Thank you very much." Pierre Colin, Interface International.

When asked why this course was created, CEO and PCU Instructor Marc Larochelle said, “It has been my dream to provide a comprehensive, purpose-built certification training course for FileMaker developers. After studying for the AWS exam, I realized how powerful it is to have specialized, online training and I felt that it was something missing in the FileMaker community.”

The certification course is available as part of the University Bundle, which gives a student access to all training courses at Productive Computing University.

Students who are interested in taking this course and would like more details can sign up for the free Certification Overview course. For more information and to enroll please visit www.ProductiveComputingUniversity.com.

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Productive Computing