John Mark Osborne of Database Pros is certified for FileMaker 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 having passed all eleven rigorous exams.
Come celebrate with us regarding our 25,000th download of the Fireside FileMaker Podcast. If you haven't listened to our Podcast, come
listen to Michael Rocharde and John Mark Osborne talk about all things FileMaker!
FileMaker 20.3
The best thing in this release are layout calculations to unclutter Manage Database even further! Find out more!
Meta-Consulting (1 hour)
This service allows you to work one-on-one with John Mark Osborne while he helps you over a FileMaker hurdle. It's half training and half development. The service can be provided in person, over the phone or via GoToMeeting. Save money and purchase the bulk rate! Find out more about the Meta-Consulting (1 hour)
90 Minute Contact Manager Tutorial
Learn how to create a contact manager in FileMaker Pro 15 in 90 minutes for FREE!
Quote about Video Training
"FileMaker 12 training videos are an excellent learning tool. They are methodical yet easy to follow. An exceptional resource! Thanks for taking the time to make them."
- Lorena Musser
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